Ayurvishwa Aushadhalaya

Medicine for Joint Pain

Ayurvishwa Aushadhalaya’s “SANDHILIN OIL LINIMENT” consists of herbal ingredients which are excellent to get relief from pain and stiffness of the joints. It is extremely useful for people suffering with Arthritis, joint pain & swelling are extremely benefitted by this liniment as it provides nutrition to the joints and reduces swelling and pain.

  • Maha Narayan Tail
  • Ajowain Sat
  • Terpinka Tail
  • Nirgundi Tail
  • Kapoor

  • Twice daily in required amount on the desired area.

Product Name :-Sandhilin Oil
(An Ayurvedic Patent and Proprietary Medicine )
Composition :  
Name of  ingredientPart UseLatin Name%Classic
Maha Narayan TailOilCombination Drug5.00%A.B.
Maha Vishgarbh TailOilCombination Drug2.50%A.B.
Nirgundi TailOilCombination Drug2.50%A.B.
Ajowain SatCrystalTrechyspermum Ammi4.00%A.B.
Phudina SatCrystalMentha Arvensis3.00%A.B.
KapoorCrystalCamphor officinale5.00%A.B.
Gandhapuro OilOilGultheria procumbense5.00%A.B.
Terpinka TailOilPinus longifolia20.00%A.B.
Sarshap TailOilBrasica Campenstris18.00%A.B.
Excipients Light liquid peraffin35.00%IP