Ayurvishwa Aushadhalaya

Medicine for constipation

Ayurvishwa Aushadhalaya’s “LAXID TABLET” is an ayurvedic medicine to relieve constipation and its related disorders. Its specially formulated herbal composition helps to remove the accumulated fecoliths from the intestinal tract and also soften the stools.

  • Trivrit
  • Sanaya (Sonamukhi)
  • Shunthi
  • Amalaki
  • Vibhitaki

Product Name :- LAXID TABLET
(An Ayurvedic Patent and Proprietary Medicine )
Composition : Each Film coated tablet contains  
Name of  ingredientPart UseLatin NameMGClassic
TrivritStemOperculina turpenthum5A.B.
Sanaya (Sonamukhi)LeavesCassia Angustifolia10A.B.
ShunthiRhizomeZinziber officinale10A.B.
AmalakiFruitEmbelica Officinalis15A.B.
Erand Brust HardeFruitTerminalia Chebula350A.B.
VibhitakiFruitTerminalia Bellerica15A.B.
Shuddha NepaloSeedCroton Tiglium5A.B.
Excipients  Q.S.